How to see when you followed someone on Facebook – See the right date for this action

Keeping an eye on the followers and following list is very important as it can help us to manage the audience we interact with. 

Follow list on social media platforms and especially on Facebook helps us to view all the people we follow. This feature is also available in different social media platforms.

You can also navigate to the date when you followed someone on Facebook and that is what we will discuss in this article.

For checking when you followed someone on Facebook you will have to log in to your FB account and then navigate to the following list on Facebook and browse through this list to check a specific follower or one whom you followed and then find out the follow date. Let’s see how to do this.

Related: How to see who viewed my reels on Facebook?

How to see when you followed someone on Facebook?

For checking follow date we will have to go through these steps one by one:

Login to Facebook account

First of all we will login to our Facebook account and it is only possible if you already have a Facebook account. 

  • Open Facebook app on mobile or open Facebook on Desktop  
  • Enter you signing in details like email address and password or Cell phone number and password
  • Once you have entered the required data then it will take you to your fb account

Find out follow list on Facebook

To access follow list on Facebook:

  • Click on “profile picture” icon in the upper right corner
  • Tap on the profile for which you want to see follow list
  • Now click on “See your about Info”
  • Scroll down and find “Following” option
  • Once you have found the option then click on “See all”

It will show you the list of all people you followed on Facebook. And this list is in a chronological order which means that the people you followed latestly will appear on the top of this list. 

When you followed someone on Facebook

The first way is to see the following list and you do it by following the above mentioned steps. Once you have found the following list then you can see the order and make an estimate when you followed someone. 

You can also search for a specific post if you remember that was the first post you received on your timeline from the following person as this option can also help you to navigate the date when you followed that person.

Using Activity log on Facebook to know when I followed someone on Facebook

This is the only helpful option that I have found to access follow information like following-date, month and year. This option will show you a list of the people you are following on Facebook along with the date when you followed them. Here is how to use it.

  • First of all open your Facebook account and then tap on profile icon located in the upper right corner
  • Navigate to the “Settings and Privacy” option and tap on it
accessing settings and privacy option
  • Tap on “Your Time on Facebook” option
viewing my time on fb
  • Click on “See Your Time”
  • Scroll down and click on “Activity Log” and “See Activity Log” option
checking activity log on Facebook
  • Scroll down and click on “Connections” option to open all options and then tap on “Connected” option
checking connections
when i started following someone on Facebook
  • Here is the list of all connections that we have built on Facebook along with the time and date. But this list is too long to locate a specific person so we will have to apply some filters on it
  • Tap on the “filters” icon to apply different filters to shorten this list. Apply the “Category” and “Date” filter.
  • After I applied the filter it gave me a list of connections which also include the information when I started following techinsocial on Facebook. You can see the exact date when I followed “techinsocial” on Facebook
filtering results for accurate results

This way you can find out what you are looking for.

Navigating the first post on you timeline to estimate follow date

You will have to find out that first post on your timeline and you can check the date when that post was shared. After that you can make a guess of follow date.

Navigating follow date using likes or comments 

You can also do this by checking your likes and comments on any post shared by that person. It will show you the exact time when you commented or liked a specific post. Once you have found out that then you can guess the follow date too. 

Find out any conversation if there was

You can go to Meta business Suite and find out the very first conversation with a person and it will also show you the time of that conversation which can also be helpful for you.

Managing Facebook follow list

You can also manage this list to keep the record or you can send a specific record to the trash and here is how you can do this:

  • Open the “Activity Log” as mentioned in the main subheading above
  • Open “connections” and then tap on “Followers”
  • To “Trash” these activities select these activities one by one or in bulk and then tap on “Trash” icon


Above we have mentioned the way you can find out when you started following someone on Facebook. We hope this article will be helpful for you in the solution of your problem.