Replika vs ChatGPT – What is the difference between both

Just after ChatGPT jumped in the competition field of Chatbots, all other platforms seem to have faded. I know it is not fair to compare any other AI chatbot with ChatGPT and you know why.

Everyone knows the end result of the comparison of Replika and ChatGPT. The major difference between Replika and ChatGPT is that ChatGPT is already trained on a large set of databases while Replika gets trained day after day by mimicking the way you chat with it.

The similarity between both chatbots is that both of these are AI based language models but ChatGPT can give answers to wide range of questions, plan tasks for you, write long essays, act in a way you want, write code for you and from all these features Replika is deprived of. 

Well! Whatever the situation is, we will discuss the major and common difference between ChatGPT and Replika in this article. We will try to figure out which AI model is more powerful and for which purpose but before we start we will suggest you reading: Replika vs Kajiwoto

Replika AI chatbot

The development of Replika started after the foundation of Luka Inc. when Kuyda lost her friend in a tragedy. Kyuda decided to make a digital memorial of her friend with the help of his chat. She was shocked to see that the AI natural language processing chatbot was able to mimic her friend’s way of chatting and discussion. It gave birth to Replika AI which can mimic your personality by learning from you. 

You can chat with Replika and train it on new topics. Many people are using it as a virtual friend. You can make use of it to get support and guidance, get personalized recommendations, start role playing, start meditation, improve mental health. 

It is not trained for large databases and that is the reason it does not have enough knowledge about the things but as it is an AI model that is the reason you can teach it new things and train.

stats of Replika

ChatGPT AI chatbot

ChatGPT is a natural language processing AI chatbot which has been trained over a large number of data sets. It has deep knowledge of the things and events. 

Most of the information it provides is refined information. Idea of ChatGPT arose in the mind of OpenAI’s owners when Google launched its transformer technique for AI systems. OpenAI made use of that technique and trained ChatGPT over large data set. 

Even ChatGPT is a text based language model but you can get help in any field of study and research using it. You can write codes, learn how to code, write essays, and make your educational and professional qualities enhanced with its help. 

For example if you know how to give commands to it then you can get answer to any of your questions. You can read also: ChatGPT for learning new things 

stats of ChatGPT

Replika vs ChatGPT

There are some stats which will help you in deciding which AI chatbot is better:

              Replika AI            ChatGPT
AI + natural language processing systemAI + natural language processing system + transformer technology
Trained over very small data set when compared to ChatGPTTrained over large number of data set
Mimic the personality of userHas its own way of chatting and answers in a tone as required
Can learn knowledge of new things Have knowledge of most of the things and learning new things continuously
Introduced in 2017 by Luka Inc.Introduced by OpenAI in the late 2022
Has AR and VR featuresDoes not support AR or VR
Basically used as a virtual friendCan be used for collecting information, completion of projects, coding, learning new things etc. 
Number of users stucked and increasing on a very small rateNumber of users increasing very fast
Has both free and paid versionsBoth paid and free versions available
In paid version some xtra features are includedAll features are available in the free version also except free version does not load in the rushed timings
Does not have many updatesGetting updated with time 
ChatGPT vs Replika ai
ChatGPT vs Replika

Can I use ChatGPT as a romantic partner as I can use Replika?

It is not fair use of the application because it has been developed for other purposes. On the other hand Replika is developed for this purpose only.

Can Replika answer the questions as ChatGPT can? 

No! Replika is not trained over a large number of data sets and that is why it can’t answer your question in a way as ChatGPT can. Replika can be used only for chatting.